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'Out of Yesteryear', bred by Ralph Moore, California, 1999.

'Out of Yesteryear'
Breeding: 'Sequoia Gold' (miniature) X 'Muriel' (Hybrid Bracteata) This has to be one of the most beautiful new shrub roses introduced in recent years. Technically, I should be placing this in its own class of Bracteata Hybrids, but this is how it is listed with the ARS.

Ralph Moore is one of the true geniuses of Rose breeding and will be remembered as being one of the most whimsical and creative. Perseverence is one of Ralph's greatest qualities, and this rose is the result of great patience and persistence. Rosa bracteata is a difficult species to breed with, and very very few hybrids have been created. With 'Out of Yesteryear' that difficulty may have been resolved, for this is proving to be a valuable rose for further breeding. (It has already sired a yellow climbing Moss hybrid, and three of Ralph Moore's 2002 introductions. In 2003 there will be another 2 Moore roses introduced from crosses using 'Out of Yesteryear'.)

As a shrub, 'Out of Yesteryear' grows as a four by four foot shrub (somewhat larger in southern climes, I expect), with reasonably limber canes that could be easily trained as a small climber. Blooms are produced singly and is large clusters, and are sweetly scented. Once established, it repeats regularly after an impressive late Spring flush with at least a few blooms on it continuously throughout the season. The foliage is a remarkable deep glossy green and has excellent disease resistance. This rose needs to be grown more often, especially where summers are hot, which brings out the best in the blooms. I consider this to be a most exceptional rose, and I grow to love it more with each passing year! You can get this rose from both Sequoia Nursery, where it was bred, or The Uncommon Rose.

ARS merit rating: none given
Personal merit rating: 9.0
Hardiness: Likely USDA zones 6 to 9, possibly zone 5 in a protected location.
Shrub size: 4 to 5 feet tall, depending on climate.
Fragrance: 3.5 very unusual sweet and "peachy" fragrance.

Bonica '82 News
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Original photographs and site content © Paul Barden 1996-2006