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Gallicandy, bred by Paul Barden, 1999

Breeding: 'Tuscany Superb' X 'Othello'. This is a hybrid Gallica obtained from the same cross that resulted in 'Ellen Tofflemire'. The white rose to the rear of 'Gallicandy' is the Alba 'Armide'.

After watching it for several years, I am coming to the conclusion that it is a very good rose in its own right. It is a fairly typical Gallica in growth habit, with LOTS of medium pink, fully double blooms born on somewhat arching (but self supporting) canes. This is a once-bloomer, flowering for a period of four to six weeks in early Summer. It makes a spectacular display when in full bloom, and it has a very similar fragrance to 'Constance Spry'. However, unlike 'Constance Spry', it remains a short, well-mannered shrub about 4 to 5 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet across. It does sucker somewhat, but not excessively; it wants to make a fairly tight thicket. The real plus is that it does NOT get Blackspot and rarely ever shows signs of mildew, even late in the season. I don't spray it, and it remains unblemished by disease. I have no idea if it would perform similarly in other climates, but I'd guess that the chances are good that it would. This will be a cold climate rose, and not likely suitable for hot climates like Florida, southern Texas or southern California.

'Gallicandy' is now commercially available from The Uncommon Rose

ARS merit rating: None
Personal merit rating: 8.5, but under assessment.
Hardiness: Likely USDA zones 4 to 8, zone 4 in a protected location.
Shrub size: likely 4 to 5 feet tall X 5 feet wide.
Fragrance: 4.0, strong "Myrrh" scent.

Alain Blanchard seedling,
(see Song of the Stars)
Chianti Gloire de France Sissinghurst Castle
Alika Complicata Henri Fouquier Song of the Stars
Allegra (new 2003) Cramoisi Picotee Hippolyte Surpasse Tout
Belle de Crecy "Deep Purple" James Mason Tricolore de Flandre
Belle Isis Désirée Parmentier La Belle Sultane Tuscany
Belle sans Flatterie Duc de Guiche Marianne Tuscany Superb
"Brooks Purple" Duc de Fitzjames 'Mécène' Tuscany Superb X Othello
Camayeux Duchesse de Montebello Nestor Un-named seedling
"Carol's Favorite" Ellen Tofflemire Orpheline de Juillet "William Grant"
Charles de Mills Empress Josephine Rosa Mundi Ypsilante
Cardinal de Richelieu Gallicandy "Rush Family Rose"  

Original photographs and site content © Paul Barden 2006, All Rights Reserved.