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Crested Damask. Bred by Paul Barden, 2003

Crested Damask

Breeding: 'Marbrée' X 'Crested Jewel'.

In 2002, I crossed Ralph Moore's 'Crested Jewel' with some of the Damask Perpetuals in the hopes that in a remontant Portland style shrub with crested buds may result. This seedling comes closest to that goal so far. The seed parent was the spotted Damask Perpetual 'Marbrée' which rarely produces remontant offspring when crossed with modern roses. I suspect there is a different gene for remontancy in the Damask Perpetuals than there is in many of the modern hybrids, and they are not compatible.

This "Crested Damask" is likely going to be a fairly large shrub of 5 feet or more, and about as wide. The foliage is intermediate between the two parents, and has been extremely disease resistant in early evaluation. Blooms are borne in clusters of three to five, and each blossom is about 3 inches across. The blooms have an excellent Damask-like scent. As you can see in the photo, the buds have inherited some of the wonderful cresting from the pollen parent, 'Crested Jewel'. After another year's evaluation, I expect to release this rose into commerce.

ARS merit rating: N.A.
Personal merit rating: 8.5
Hardiness: USDA zones 5 to 8, possibly zone 4 in a protected location.
Shrub size: Expected to be about 4 to 6 feet tall X 5 feet wide.
Fragrance: 4.0, intense Damask fragrance.

Blanc de Vibert Marbrée seedling #5
Botzaris Marbrée X The Prince, 2002
Comte de Chambord Mme Hardy (Felicité Hardy)
Crested Damask Marie Louise
Hebe's Lip Portland from Glendora
Indigo R. damascena bifera (Autumn Damask)
Jacques Cartier R. damascena semperflorens
La Ville de Bruxelles Rose de Rescht
Marbrée Rose de Rescht X Tradescant
Marbrée seedling #1 Rose du Roi
Marbrée seedling #2 Stanwell Perpetual
Marbrée seedling #4

Original photographs and site content © Paul Barden 1996-2006. All Rights Reserved.