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Blanc de Vibert. Bred by Vibert, France 1847.

'Blanc de Vibert'Blanc de Vibert is one of the shapely Portland shrubs, and represents a color not often seen in the group: white! Blooms are fully double with delicate, papery petals of a translucent quality. The newly opening buds often display a pale cream-yellow tint.

This Portland Damask is often a difficult plant in damp climates, like the West Coast, with blooms often decaying in damp weather. The plant will often produce too many buds for all to open properly, and so a judicious disbudding is recommended. Otherwise, this is a wonderful shrub, capable of giving some of the best classically formed OGR style blooms imaginable. In spite of its temperment, it is a beautiful shrub.

ARS merit rating: N.A.
Personal merit rating: undecided
Hardiness: USDA zones 5 to 8, possibly zone 4 in a protected location.
Shrub size: 3 X 3 feet.
Fragrance: 4.0 Intense Damask fragrance.

Blanc de Vibert Marbrée seedling #5
Botzaris Marbrée X The Prince, 2002
Comte de Chambord Mme Hardy (Felicité Hardy)
Crested Damask Marie Louise
Hebe's Lip Portland from Glendora
Indigo R. damascena bifera (Autumn Damask)
Jacques Cartier R. damascena semperflorens
La Ville de Bruxelles Rose de Rescht
Marbrée Rose de Rescht X Tradescant
Marbrée seedling #1 Rose du Roi
Marbrée seedling #2 Stanwell Perpetual
Marbrée seedling #4

Original photographs and site content © Paul Barden 1996-2006. All Rights Reserved.