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Dainty Bess, bred by Wm. E.B. & Daughter Archer, England 1925.

'Dainty Bess' is one of the most beloved of the single Hybrid Teas and it seems to have an eternal place in the inventory of nurseries around the world.

This rose grows as a typical Hybrid Tea; fairly upright growth with large, somewhat sparse foliage. Blooms are in clusters of up to 7 or more on main canes. The striking feature of 'Dainty Bess' is the center boss of mahogany tinted stamens which stand out in striking contrast to the soft shell-pink petals. Fragrance is only slight and disease resistance is no better than most Hybrid Teas, but this is a workhorse of a rose and will perform magnificently given reasonable care. Its a charming rose that deserves to be grown by every Hybrid Tea admirer.

There is also a climbing sport called simply 'Climbing Dainty Bess' which grows between 8 and 12 feet tall.

ARS merit rating: 7.3
Personal merit rating: undecided.
Hardiness: Likely USDA zones 6 to 10, zone 5 with considerable protection.
Shrub size: 2.5 to 4 feet tall X 2 feet wide.
Fragrance: 4.0, strong sweet fragrance, a hint of "Old Rose".

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Original photographs and site content © Paul Barden 2005, All Rights Reserved.