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Topaz Jewel, bred by Ralph Moore, California 1984.

Topaz JewelTopaz Jewel is one of only a couple of yellow Rugosa roses. Bred by the master of Miniature roses, Ralph Moore, this is a great introduction to the class, most welcome for its strong yellow color and shrubby habit. Blooms are about 3.5 inches across, and produced frequently, with a soft Clove-like scent that is typical of most of the Rugosas. The color is a rich amber yellow upon opening, and it pales to a lighter warm yellow, creating the illusion that there are many shades of yellow on the shrub at one time.

'Topaz Jewel' will make a five foot tall shrub at maturity, but keep in mind that this rose needs at least 2 seasons to get well established. I have seen a friend's plant that suddenly became spectacular in its third year, with bigger blooms that lasted longer, and had more fragrance! This is a great addition to the Rugosa class! Breeding: 'Golden Angel' X 'Belle Poitevine'

ARS merit rating: 7.3
Personal merit rating: 8.5
Hardiness: Likely USDA zones 5 to 8, zone 4 in a protected location.
Shrub size: 4 to 5 feet tall, depending on climate.
Fragrance: 3.5, fairly strong sweet scent, with Clove overtones.

Basye's Purple
Linda Campbell
Moore's Striped Rugosa
Rose a Parfum de l'Hay
Roseraie de l'Hay
Rosa rugosa, sp.
Topaz Jewel

Original photographs and site content © 2006 Paul Barden, All Rights Reserved.