Miniature Roses for Remembrance
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
KEATSAs we share beauty we tend to spread joy, and what is more beautiful than to see expressions of joy and happiness in the- eyes and face of a child, a friend, a loved one; or to have someone tired, lonely or ill realize that "somebody cares?" The expression of joy may be fleeting but the impact is lasting.
Flowers have long been a way to convey this message of love and affection-a special way of saying, "I care." No wonder the rose has been called the queen of flowers for it has long been held in high esteem. More poems have been written, more songs have been sung about the rose than any other flower. But miniatures being the daintiest of all are at long last coming into their own. Miniatures make a most appealing way to send an "I care" message.
Consider miniature rose plants for some of the people on your gift lists. If you love miniatures others will too. Miniature roses are made to order for people who live in apartments, gardeners with small yards, for children, and for senior citizens who may not be able to get out and dig in the garden as they did in years gone by.
Miniatures are for giving to friends and relatives who have everything. These little treasures bring joy far out of proportion to their cost. Since miniature roses are grown in pots they may be sent almost anytime of year and for almost any occasion. Miniatures can say "Happy Birthday" or "Merry Christmas;" they can say "Remembering you on Mother's Day" or just "Hello, I've been thinking of you." If you have a variety which has brought you special joy, give a duplicate plant to someone else so he can share your joy.
Grow extra plants of your favorites so you have plenty of cut flowers to share. Many times I have sent small packages of tiny buds, packed as described in Chapter 14. Sometimes a note is enclosed-sometimes just the flowers. If shipped only a couple hundred miles, send by parcel post, special delivery (they should arrive next day) , but if the distance is greater be sure to use air mail, special delivery. .
Miniature roses may be fashioned into delightful corsages or they may be worn in the hair, on a watch band oras buds in a man's lapel. Color pictures of in ' Miniature roses have been used in small frames grouped on a wall. The young lady who prepares the color paintings for my plant patents plans to frame some of the patent color reproductions to use as gifts.
16. A fan-shaped container filled with 'Mary Haywood' makes a pleasant way to share miniature roses
I have had key chains and other objects sent to me in which real buds of miniature roses have been embedded in clear plastic. Not long ago Mrs. Guy Zachary, from Hobbs, New Mexico, sent me a sample of beautifully decorated rose note paper which she makes as a hobby. For directions to make this special rose note paper I quote from her letter: "I pressed these little roses in a heavy catalog, then I covered wax paper and the tiny arrangement with facial tissues and Elmer's glue. It isn't easy to do." One small green bud, one half open bud and a three-quarters open bud, were combined with a 3 inch stem and 5 leaves. The finished sheet is folded and used as a decorative cover to regular good quality note paper. The plain note paper and matching envelopes may be obtained at your local stationers.
Most of all we think of miniatures for giving as cut flowers. These make petite bouquets for office or home decoration. Even to take cut flowers across town I often cut and pack them in damp newspaper in a plastic bag as described in Chapter 14. You can pick them ahead of time and know they will be fresh when delivered to their destination.
At other times, especially if the bouquet is to be taken to the hospital, I arrange it in a baby food jar which has been covered with a small square of florist's foil. First a little nosegay of miniature roses is arranged in my hand securely held together with a rubber band. If stems are too long cut them so that the nosegay rests easily into the jar. If more flowers are needed to loosen up the arrangement they can be poked in one at a time around the edge to attain the desired effect. For contrast add ageratum, violets or other small flowers. This little bouquet, container and all can then be placed in a shallow cardboard box, nestled in crumpled newspaper. It will not tip over in your car and thanks to the shape of the baby food jar, the water won't spill out.
When you give miniature roses you not only give flowers but also a bit of yourself.
"Roses are more than beauty for me. They are a source of renewal and inspiration."
-Grand Duchess Charlotte
From the show program of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rose Society, 1965.
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