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Lady Hillingdon, a tea. Bred by Lowe and Shawyer, UK 1910.

Lady HillingdonThere is a certain quality about this rose that very nearly defies description. Whether it is the rich warm yellow coloring, the incredibly deep and unique fragrance, or the lovely contrasting reddish-plum colored foliage that makes this such an incredible beauty is hard to say. I have not had this plant of Lady Hillingdon long, and now I cannot imagine why I took so long in acquiring it! This bloom, which is about 4 inches across, opened on May 5th in my greenhouse, and it has been one bloom that I have visited many times daily for its scent.

I believe I have the shrub form of Lady Hillingdon, which is about 3' tall and 2' wide at maturity. (Bigger in warmer climates) There is a climbing variety that is more often grown that will climb to 15' tall and 8' wide. Although I have little experience with it yet, I understand that it has winter hardiness comparable to most Hybrid Teas. I would grow this rose for the fragrance alone. Lady Hillingdon

As with most of the Tea roses, 'Lady Hillingdon' is a densely twiggy, slim-branched rose that gains slowly in size over several years. I find the graceful, finely branched form of the Tea roses to be very beautiful. If you live in an area where you can grow these roses, you should make them a part of your garden.

ARS merit rating: 7.7
Personal merit rating: 8.5
Hardiness: Likely USDA zones 8 to 10, zone 7 in a protected location.
Shrub size: 3 to 4.5 feet tall, depending on climate.
Fragrance: 4.5, very intense Tea scent. (it can be like fresh tea and a sweet naphthalene-like scent)


Bon Silène Homere
Devoniensis Lady Hillingdon
Fortune's Double Yellow Mons. Tillier
Gloire de Dijon (Rise 'N' Shine X Gloire de Dijon) #1
Gloire de Dijon X Abraham Darby Sombreuil

Original photographs and site content © Paul Barden 2005, All Rights Reserved.