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Credit where credit is due
In the creation of this web site, I have sought the assistance of many of the worlds best Rosarians and authors, and many of them have contributed something to these pages. So, I would like to thank the following people for their invaluable assistance: (in no particular order)

Brent C Dickerson author of The Old Rose Adventurer and other books.
Special thanks to Mr. Ralph Moore and Carolyn Supinger, at Sequoia Nursery
My dear friend Kim Rupert, whose knowledge of roses is exceeded only by his enthusiasm for them. I'm grateful for every time Kim has sent me a box of cuttings in the mail, saying to me "You NEED these!".
William Grant, rosarian and writer.
Peter Beales, author of Classic Roses.
Kevin Lohn at The Uncommon Rose.
John Starnes aka "The Garden Doctor".
Ed Wilkinson and Mel Hulse at the San Jose Heritage Rose Gardens.
My friend Claudine Lake for her kindness and proofreading the work-in-progress.
Henry Kuska fellow rose breeder.
Dr. Malcolm Manners professor at Florida State College.
HelpMeFindRoses database for an incomparable service on the Web,
Lee Sherman for her generosity and humor,
Sherri Berglund at B and B Nursery,
Alice Flores for her many kindnesses and contributions,
Jim Delahany, Jeri Jennings, George Mander, Malcolm Manners, Sean McCann, Joan Monteith, David Zlesak, Jill Perry, Barbara Oliva, Lily Shohan, Ed Wilkinson, Suzy Verrier, David Neumeyer, Dennis Konsmo, Anastasia Shupp,
Patrick Hanrahan, Fredrik Liljblad and many ARS authors, both living and deceased, for valuable contributions.

And Cheryl Netter, who opened my eyes many years ago to the potential virtues of web publishing!

This website made possible by a grant from the Uncommon Rose

Original photographs and site content © Paul Barden 1996-2003